29 Nov 2014

Human Resource Management System

All in all, the HR function is still to a large degree administrative and common to all organizations. The HR function consists of tracking innumerable data points on each employee, from personal histories, data, skills, capabilities, experiences to payroll records. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organisations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing innovative HRMS. Due to complexity in programming, capabilities and limited technical resources, HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain their Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS). Before the "client-server" architecture evolved in the late 1980s, every single HR automation process came largely in form of mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data transactions. These client-server HRMS are characteristically developed around four principal areas of HR functionalities: 1) "payroll", 2) time and labour management 3) benefits administration and 4) HR management.
The payroll model automates the pay process by gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes, and generating periodic paycheques and employee tax reports.
The time and labour management module applies new technology and methods (time collection devices) to cost effectively gather and evaluate employee time/work information.
The benefit administration model permits HR professionals to easily administer and track employee participation in benefits programs ranging from healthcare provider, insurance policy, and pension plan to profit sharing or stock option plans.
The HR management module is a component covering all other HR aspects from application to retirement. The system records basic demographic and address data, selection, training and development, capabilities and skills management, compensation planning records and other related activities
While using the internet or corporate intranet as a communication and workflow vehicle, the HRMS/HCM technology can convert these into web-based HRMS components of the ERP system and permit to reduce transaction costs, leading to greater HR and organisational efficiency. Costly and time consuming HR administrative tasks, such as travel reimbursement, personnel data change, benefits enrolment, enrolment in training classes (employee side) and to instruct a personnel action, authorise access to information for employees (manager's side) are being individually handled and permit to reduce HR transaction time, leading to HR and organisational effectiveness. Consequently, HR professionals can spend fewer resources in managing administrative HR activities and can apply freed time and resources to concentrate on strategic HR issues, which lead to business innovation.

                                        SYSTEM ANALYSIS


 Automation of HR Software has implemented different modules such as 
Ø  Library
Ø  Project Management
Ø  Marketing etc.,
                connecting the employees in the company.

        The shortcoming of HR Module has made the Automation of HR Software incomplete for automation. The system has not implemented the HR Module for the employees regarding his/her

Employee General details   – Personal information
Skills Details                         – Technical aspects
Project analysis                    – Technical Experience before assignment

        The HR Administration falls short of controlling the employee’s activities in analyzing his/her strengths and weakness. The decision for appraisal of assigning next project to the employee or to train him/her to enhance the skills – where lies with proper projection. He is not provided with the detailed project information done or to be assigned based on Application / Verticals.


Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is an important issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills is a prime important before booting in.

The proposed system of HR Module is the right software to be incorporated into the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skilful Human Resource.

The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with Educational, Certification, Skill and Project details. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing and updating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience.

Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upholded for taking care of the necessary steps in forwarding company’s obligation.


The  main objective of the system is to maintain the relation ship between HR and Employees in an organization.

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